오픽 공부 오픽노잼 IM 시리즈 복습노트
오픽 공부 오픽노잼 IH 시리즈 복습노트 오픽 공부 오픽노잼 IM 시리즈 복습노트 #Rule 1 Never ask Ava a question. If you must, ask a rhetorical question. #Rule 2 Do not use difficult words that you are uncomfortable with. Use simp
오픽 공부 오픽노잼 IH 시리즈 복습노트
오픽 공부 오픽노잼 IM 시리즈 복습노트 #Rule 1 Never ask Ava a question. If you must, ask a rhetorical question. #Rule 2 Do not use difficult words that you are uncomfortable with. Use simple words you are totally confident in using. #Rule 3
[AL시리즈 학생편 001. AL학생은 자기소개도 다르게 할까?]
- 멈추지 않고 끊임없이 말하는 것이 중요
Hi, I'm Rachel (o) My name is (x)
Uh, uh, actually, I don't really know what to telll you about myself but uh, these days i'm really into KPOP music.
I gained a lot of weight these days so i really need to lose my weight.
I decided to take KPOP lessons to lose my weight.
So, I went there. Actually, I only took 2 classes so far this week.
I'm gonna keep learning. Ok?
And that's pretty much all I have to say about my self.
[AL시리즈 학생편 002. "controlled singular" 전략을 사용못하면 AL 꿈깨!]
Q : You indicated that you go to coffee shops. Tell me about the cafes or coffee houses in your community.
Cafes around my area(질문 반복, 생각하는 척)... Oh my, where do i begin?
There're so many cafes near my home
-There're myriads of cafes
-There're tons of cafes
-There're loads of cafes
You know, It's ubiquitous. They're literally scattered everywhere.
Starbucks, Ediya, Twosome Place ~ But there's this one place that i like because this place makes me feel like i'm home.
You know, there're so many cafes in Korea but they are usually all franchises.
What i like about this place is that it's not a franchise and so it's not overflowing with too many customers.
I mean, it's just so relaxing whenever I'm there.
That's why I love going there.
You know, it's funny. Since I feel like myself here and that they also play KPOP, sometimes I can't even tell whether I'm at home or at a cafe.
[AL시리즈 학생편 003. 노잼 얘기를 듣기 좋게 깔끔하게 만드는 방법]
Q : Tell me about a memorable incident that happend at a coffee shop. What happend? Who was involved? How did you deal with the situation. Tell me everything about what happened from beginning to end.
I have the perfect story to tell you.
I once borrowed my boyfriend's laptop and I pretty much got into a big fight with him because of that at Twosome.
You know, all of a sudden, I felt like going to the washroom. So i left leaving the laptop on the table.
You know, he couldn't believe that i left to go to the washroom without taking the laptop.
And what you have to realize is that he was being very paranoid about his laptop.
And you know, when i came back, he was like "Hey, are you crazy? What were you thinking?"
And this made my blood boil to the max.
And I couldn't believe how obnoxious he was being.
And uh... what am I trying to say...
=What am I saying...
=How can I explain this
= How should I explain this
Uh, we ended up fighting and he apologized for being stupid.
And so, we were able to make up in the end.
[AL시리즈 학생편 004. 첫 5초 시작이 엄청 중요하다!]
-질문에 대해 생각하는 구간은 5초를 넘지 않기
Um, I think it was cafe Moa when I was in high school but I can't say for certain.
(when i was in high school student 보다는 when i was in my high school days, when i was in my elementry school days, when i was in my university days student를 붙이면 문법적으로는 맞지만 약간 어색함. )
Anyway, I think that place was more known for their ice-cream than their coffee.
And you know, they put so many toppings and I thought it was wonderful.
My friends and I(나를 뒤로 보내는것이 일반적) went there for the first time after an exam.
Um you know, it was our way to celebrate.
When we went there, they had parfait which was pretty much/something like ice-cream with fruits and snacks in a tall cup.
I would say it was quite pricey for students.
But they gave us free bread too. So i thought it was quite worth it.
You know, it's funny becasue their ice-cream was so good that we didn't even think about ordering any coffee.
And so, it was pretty ice-cream-tastic if you know what i mean(내 말 무슨말인지 알지).
[AL시리즈 학생편 005. 답변 중 다음 할 말이 생각나지 않는다면...?]
Q : Where do people in your country go to in their free time? Do they go to parks or beaches? Tell me everything about the places people go to in their free time.
MP (짧고 간결한 것이 좋음)
I guess people usually go to parks whenever they have free time because you have the freedom to do various activities there.
And um, I think people love to have options at a park. And the options are endless.
And um you know, the... many parks have trails so many people tend to ride their bikes there.
(무언가를 말하고 pause를 했다면 똑같은 단어로 이어서 말하기)
And um the scenery's great and the air is quite fresh.
And you know what? Uh what am I saying? Uh yeah... some people prefer relaxing instead.
and so, a lot of them... Chicken...order chicken and beer....And um, chat up a storm with their friends.
(같은 단어를 계속 사용하기, 그리고 다른 말을 말하고 싶다면 필러를 사용하고 사용하면 자연스러움)
But you know what? That's a common thing to do here in Korea.
And, of course, there's another option. You can just simply lie down on the grass.
And occasionally, you can even (small word를 계속 사용하기) see some people busking.
Those random performances are definitely uh a special treat.
Uh, I think, you know, it's a no brainer to go to parks because there are so many things to do there.
And it's like a playground for Adults.
[AL시리즈 학생편 006. 비교 질문 답변은 어떻게 할까요?]
-pure present
-비교X 완전한 현재
Q : Think about what you did during your free time as a child. Do you have more free time now than when you were a child? Tell me about your free time now compared to when you were a child.
Um, Alright. I think I didn't do anything much when I was a child whenever i had free time. And um, at that time, I really liked to stayed at home and relax.
And my mom was usually like, "Rachel, did you do your homework?!" or "Rachel, clean your room!"
Whenever I had free time, she always nagged at me to do something more productive.
And um, I found it so annoying. And I never understood why she wouldn't let me be.
But now, I have more freedom from my mom.
And um, whenever I have free time, I really like to go to the movies.
And um, luckily, there's a movie theatre nerby my home.
And I think I'm starting to get old now because I don't feel like going too far.
And um, I'm not sure if I have more free time now as au adult, but what is for certain is that I have, definitely, more freedom from my mom's nagging.
(결론에 이미 말했던 감정과 연관된 것을 결론에 다시 말하기 ex)전에 무언가를 싫어했다면 결론에서 그것을 여전히 싫어하는가)
[AL시리즈 학생편 007. 한국어를 영어로 바로 말할수 있을까?]
Q : Can you tell me about the last time you had some free time? When was it? What did you do? Did you spent time with someone?
Um, Ok. I went to Switzerland with my sister about a few months ago. And it was freaking awesome because i got to go skydiving!
And um, just talking about it makes me wanna call up my sister and go there again.
Anyway, we stayed there just for a few days.
And I didn't have that much time to travel. So, I had no choice but to choose only one activity.
And um, if only I had more time.
Anyway I decided to go skydiving as my main activity.
And believe it or not, I didn't feel nervous at all before I went skydiving.
But when I was about to jump, I was like, " OMG! OMG! I can't do this! I can't!"
And then, I think I passed out, uh, for a few seconds
And then, when I woke up, and I was ok, you know.. when I woke up I lost all my fear and I thought it was the most thrilling thing that i've ever experienced.
And um, the next thing you know, I was on the ground.
And um, you know what? Oh after this test, I think I should call up my sister for round2
[AL시리즈 학생편 008. IM2에서 AL로 레벨업 할수있는 꿀팁!]
Q : What kinds of technology do people typically use in your country? Do people use computers, cellphones, or hand-held devices? What are some common forms of technology that people use?
Um so.. in my country(Korea 채점자에게 구체적으로 말해주는 것이 좋음), um our smartphones are very important.
Everyone owns a smartphone.
This is, um, part of our life.
It's able to connect to the internet and so it's kind of like a mini computer. It's just so versatile(*기술파트에서 중요한 단어).
Um it allows us to set an alarm to...before we go to sleep
=before we go to bed, before we hit the sack, before we catch some z's
In the morning we wake up, you know, the first thing you hear is your alarm sound.
And as sonns as you wake up, you'll probably check your notifications.
And it's something that, you know, we're just so attached to it. and It's so connected to every single part of our life.
It's like, we're at the point in our lives where we need it and cannot live without it.
So smartphones are technological devices that we use quite frequently in our country.
[AL시리즈 학생편 009. 영어로 긴 문장 만들기 어렵지 않아요!]
사용하여 문장을 더 길게 만드려고 노력하기
Q : Technology has definitely changed over time. Tell me about an early memory that you have about a pice of technology. It could be a computer or a mobile phone from many years ago. Describe for me what this thing was like back then. How has that technology changed over time?
I'll be talking about my phone since i didn't really have my own computer in the past.
- I would say, I would have to say
Today, I own a galaxy note 8 which is amazing because I can use it to contact people all arond the world.
But these days, it's, uh.. you know, it's a totally different story.
In the past, I had this tiny, little phoe slide phone which i don't even know which company it was from.
But I could only use it to call and text my family and friends in Korea.
Um, but today, with my galaxy note 8 I use a lot of apps.
But, especially, I use the Kakao app the most(질문 컨트롤) which I use to, uh, call and video call my cousins in America.
Um, yeah, I don't know how I would be able to live without my phoe today being unable to contact them through this Kakao app.
I think overall
결론 짓는데 어려우면 이 단어 사용하면서 앞서 말한 것에 대한 Feeling 말하기
[AL시리즈 학생편 010. AL 받으려면 "에바'와 대화하는 모습을 보여줘야 한다]
Lesson 1. 에바하고 자연스럽게 대화할 수 있는 전략
- 에바하고 직접적으로 대화하는 것은 좋지 않음 ex) How are you, Eva?
- "You" 많이 사용하기
ex) You know, I got to tell you, You defineitelly have heard of, I'm sure you've heard of
Lesson 2. 스토리 전개
- MP > 이야기 전개
Lesson 3. 욕을 쓸 수 있다고?!
- 메세지가 확실히 전달된다면, 사용 해도 됨 오버는 금물
ex) WTF is going on?!, WTF is happening?
*좋은 표현
- for the record
- I was not able to
- You know what?
- cut eye (째려보다)
- unpleasant
- which happened recently
- I learned an important lesson
- trending
- all over the world
[AL시리즈 학생편 011. 오픽이 어려워졌다고? 이 영상으로 자신감 뿜뿜!]
1. 대충 상황 설명하기
2. 첫 번째 질문 하기
3. 상대방 말 보여주기 Repeat
4. 레알? 진짜? Are you serious? For real?
5. "나"를 포함시키자
2. 두 번째 질문 하기
3. 상대방 말 보여주기 Repeat
4. 레알? 진짜?
5. "나"를 포함시키자
2. 세 번째 질문 하기
3. 상대방 말 보여주기 Repeat
5. "나"를 포함시키자
[AL시리즈 학생편 012. 아따 오픽 롤플레이 겁나 어려워졌네. 그래도 뿌시는 방법은 있소!]
기본 답변 방식 : 2가지 질문 > 문제 해결
질문은 문제를 하기위한 구체적인 질문이어야함
Q : You decided to take dance lessons together with your friend. To your great disappointment, It was actually quite boring and you want to leave. Tell your friend about it and 2 to 3 alternatives.
Yeah, well, I don't know about this class. It's not what i expected before i came so..
1. Can we just go now?
Oh, no?, That's your mother?! Seriously?
Ok then, um.. let me think..
What about, uh, we tell her that I'm not feeling well... so you have to take me out to the hopital or something?
2. Would that work for you?
That works for you? Yeah? Ok, Thank you. Let's go
[AL시리즈 학생편 013. 오랜만에 AL 시리즈 영상 올림! (feat. 영어공부 유투버 양킹)]
- 롤플레이 13번은 대부분 Past experience
ex) MP
(WHAT) My brother once planned an entire family trip.. But you know what?
(FELLING) He completely ruined it...How?
(WHY) He lost his passport.
오픽 공부 오픽노잼 IM 시리즈 복습노트
오픽 공부 오픽노잼 IH 시리즈 복습노트 오픽 공부 오픽노잼 IM 시리즈 복습노트 #Rule 1 Never ask Ava a question. If you must, ask a rhetorical question. #Rule 2 Do not use difficult words that you are uncomfortable with. Use simp
오픽 공부 오픽노잼 IH 시리즈 복습노트
오픽 공부 오픽노잼 IM 시리즈 복습노트 #Rule 1 Never ask Ava a question. If you must, ask a rhetorical question. #Rule 2 Do not use difficult words that you are uncomfortable with. Use simple words you are totally confident in using. #Rule 3
'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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