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제인서 오픽 AL 롤플레잉 복습노트

by 미라클재테크 2023. 12. 28.

오픽 롤를레이 이정도 하면 AL 나옵니다 (11번)


롤플레이는 질문을 잘 하는지 체크하기 위한 항목

- 전반적인 내용의 틀을 잡고, 이야기에 살을 붙여 내용을 만들어 가기

- 자연스러운 말투와 다양한 표현으로 이야기하기


11번 문제 유형

1. 내가 필요한 정보들을 상대방에게 물어보기.

2. 궁금한 점에 대해 상대방에게 질문하기.



Q : I'm going to give you a situation to act out. Pretend that your friend recently bought an MP# player. Ask your friend three or four questions about his or her new MP3 player.


Hi, How's it going?

I heard you bought a new MP3 Player. It's the new one from Apple, Right?

I'm thinking of getting the same one, so i have some questions for you.

Where did you get it?

On the offical website?

Did you get any discounts

Oh, 10% for new customers until next weekend? great!

What color do you have?

White? Does it come in black?

Do you have the same one in black?

Ugh, It's out of stock right now. That's a bummer = What a bummer.

Do you think it is better than the previous model? Would you recommend it?

Ok, Thanks. That was really helpful.

Talk to you later, bye.


오픽 AL 롤플레이 배점 높은거(12번)

12번 문제 유형

1. 앞서 있던 상황에 문제가 발생.

2. 상대에게 문제상황 섦여후 2-3가지 대안 제시.



친구 MP3를 고장냈는데 상황 설명하고 2-3가지 대안 제시하기

Hi, How's it going? I have something to tell you.

I'm so sorry, but I broke your mp3 player.

I was running on a treadmill and I dropped it. It flew across the room and broke.

I'm so sorry. It was an accident.

Do you have AppleCare?

If not I'll play to replace it.

Do you want to go to the Apple Store to pick out a new one? Okay Great.

Or I can order a new one online. I feel so bad.

Do you have time this weekend? How about Saturday 2PM?

Great. See you then. I'm so sorry again.


오픽 AL로 가는 롤플레이 연습 [병원 예약 (1)]



Q : I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You want to make a doctor's appointment. Call the doctor's office and ask three or four questions to help you make an apoointment.


Hi, there. I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Kim.

My name is ~. I visited the doctor a month ago.

I've had a cold for more than a week. My cough is getting worse.

Could see the doctor at 12 tomorrow? Oh, she's fully booked?

Is there anything available after 6 pm?

7 pm would be great.

Thanks for your time. Bye.


영어로 병원 예약 할 일 없어도 보세요 #오픽롤플레잉



Q : 11번 예약이 어떤 상황으로 인해 취소 변경 됨. 문제설명 후 대안 2-3가지 제시하기.


Hi, there. 

I'm supposed to see doctor Kim at 7pm today, but something came up. I won't be able to make it today.

I'm so sorry. My name is ~

Could i please reschedule my appointment? Is she available this Friday at 1 pm?

Ugh, lunch break? 

Then.. Is there anything available afte 6 pm?

6:30 would be great. Thanks for your help.

Have a great day. bye.


오픽 롤플레이 저를 따라하세요

*롤플레잉 점수 올리는 꿀팁

-무난한 답변 하기

-평균적인 답변 하기.

-크게 흠 잡을 데 없는 답변 하기.



친구와 약속잡기

Q: A friend asks you to go to the park with him or her next weekend. Ask your friend three or four questions to find out the details of this trip to the park.


Hi, How's it going?

Do you wanna hang out next weekend? I was thinking we could go to the Han River Park.

There will be a fireworks festival.

Are you free next Saturday? Great.

It think it would be better to have lunch before.

It's gonna be so crowded and expensive there.

Why don't we meet up(친구사이) at McDonald's near the subway station? Perfect.

Saturday at 1pm would be okay with you?

All right. See you then. Bye.


오픽 롤플레이 쉽게 AL 답변하기



Q : You have just discovered that the park you are going to be visiting will be closed next weekend. Contact your friend to explain this situation and provide two to three alternatives to the issue.


Hi, How's it going? I have something to tell you.

I've just heard Han River Park will be closed next weekend.

There was an accident and the festival has been canceled.

Yeah, that's a bummer. = Yeah, such a bummer.

How about goint to The Hyundai department store in Yeouido?

Have you been there?

Me neither.

I saw many trendy shops and cafes on Instagram. *SNS 앞에는 전치사 on

You wanna go there?


Oh, there's also a cinema there. You told me you wanted to watch 'Spider Man', right?

Maybe we can watch a movie after lunch.

All right. See you then. Bye.

오픽 롤플 '이 문제' 엄청 잘나옴. AL 스크립트 지금 외워가세요~


롤플레잉 해결하기 꿀팁

1. 문제 상황 파악하기

2. 상대방이 누구인지 파악하기

3. 상황에 맞는 자연스러운 답변하기 



Q : You want to have another family come to your house for lunch. Please ask the other members of your family several questions, so that you can decide best date and time for your acquaintances to visit.


Mom, I'd like to invite Ava's family for lunch next week. We need to decide when it would be the best.

Are you available next Friday? I'm off that day.

Oh, you have a doctor's appointment. I forgot about it.

How about Saturday at 6pm?

They said that they don't have any plans for Saturday.

Does that work for you?

Great. I'm gonna make some pasta and tacos. Can you help me with that?

We can go grocery shopping at around 4 pm.

I'll call her right away.


오픽 IH, AL 받으려면 롤플레이 '이 문항' 꼭 챙기세요


Q : You were supposed to have lunch with your friend's family, but someone in your family got sick that morning. Leave a message on your friend's voicemail to let them know and suggest some other ways to meet up in the future. What ideas can you come up with for alternative plans?


Hi, it'sme. I have something to tell you.

I know we have plans to meet up at 12 for lunch. but i don't think i can make it. 

My mom got sick last night. She has a fever and a dry cough.

The symptoms are very similar to Covid, so I'm gonna take her to the doctor's office.

I think it would be better to reschedule or get together another day.

Can we take a rain check? I'm so sorry.

Let me know when you get this message. Bye.




